Business Design
When developing new products and services many corporations do not obtain the expected market results. Some of them invest large R&D budgets, only to discover later that the expected market traction is not occuring. They have built something nobody wants.
Hit the sweet spot of innovation
We help you to create (digital) products and services that customers love and pay for. With tailored approaches for B2B corporations based on Design Thinking, Lean Startup, business model design and agile tools we close the gap between a first idea and a profitable business. Increase the success probability for your innovations.
Support formats
We offer different types of support for our business design services – on-site & online.
Innovation workshop
1 - 3 days
Big progress in short time.
Focused engagement to help a team progress on a clearly defined business question.
Innovation consulting
Several weeks to months
Entrepreneurs join your team.
Intensive support to solve a complex innovation topic, build up a business or develop an innovation strategy.
Innovation coaching
Regular 1 - 2 hours sessions
Continuous guidance.
Ongoing coaching sessions with individuals or teams to help them progress in their innovation journey.
Design sprint
4 - 5 days
Enhanced google design sprint. Focused and intense team work to address a clearly defined critical business question by applying the google design sprint format.
Support areas
We help our clients to build new profitable business – from the first idea (or post-it) to first revenue –
by offering support along the business creation process.